Organising Chaos

trying to bring beauty and order into a busy life



I have been thinking long and hard about what I want to change this year in my life.

These are my 2015 goals

Stop Justifying myself. I have noticed for a good while now, that I tend to justify myself when talking to others. Whether it is explaining why I am not working when I have always worked before, or why I we have 2 children and we are not having any more, or why we do what we do when we do it. Whether the explanation is needed and the question was meant to find out certain things about my life, or whether the question is just a polite one, I do not need to justify my actions to anyone. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think people should stop asking but I think I should stop feeling like I need to justify my decisions to anyone else. It is I who needs to change.

Cut down on wheat. I don’t have strong opinions on wheat but there are other grains out there that I would like to introduce into my diet. We often make spelt bread at home and gram (chickpea flower) pancakes and I would like to keep investigating. Gluten and wheat free products are so easily available nowadays that this goal should be easily achievable. I have been buying some corn pasta lately and not only is it nice, but it doesn’t leave you feeling bloated afterwards. There are a whole new range of products that I would like to try to see how we feel afterwards. I am not planning to give up wheat altogether. Most of the alternative products are quite expensive and I couldn’t really afford them. Besides, I still love a hot baguette with butter in the morning… I am continental after all. I believe the key of a healthy lifestyle is balance, so a little bit of everything in moderation should be ok.

Buy more conscientiously – I always try to buy local, organic, fair-trade… when it comes to food but this year I would like to extend this concept to everything. Whether it is cosmetics that don’t test on animals, or clothes from a company that treats their employees fairly, I want to make a difference. Choose Cruelty Free is an app that helps you choose a whole range of products that are not tested on animals.
Not tested on animals

Drink coffee with 2 hands – I want to learn to take a moment and have 15 minutes to myself every day. Drink my coffee without doing anything else at the same time. Drink it while it’s hot. Do one thing at a time. I find myself doing too many things at the same time and not really knowing what it is that I am doing. I want to take a step back and give my full attention to whatever I am doing.

Be more active – I admit that I don’t like the cold, nor the rain but I am determined to go for walks more often, to put on my wellies and walk to the shop in the rain. I want to encourage the kids to come with me for walks by the river and to see the animals and the plants, to go on adventures.

Have more dates with all my boys – One of my goals last year was to have more date nights with Mr B, which we did. This year I would like to build on that and try to manage to have a break away with him once or twice a year. I also want to have one-to-one time with each of the boys. We tend to do things as a family as much as we can, but I think it is also important to have one-t-one time with each boy, to talk about their concerns, to play with them, to just simply have fun with them in a more exclusive setting.

Have you already set your goals for 2015? Care to share?

Have a great day,
Chaotic Itzi


Author: chaoticitzi

My name is Itzi. I am a Spanish girl living in Ireland with the three boys of my life. I am a firm believer in up-cycling, that beauty makes us happy and that pretty things don't have to be expensive. I love my family, coffee and the sun. Thank you for visiting. I hope you enjoy it Chaotic Itzi

3 thoughts on “SETTING MY 2015 GOALS

  1. One of my major goals is post weekly to my blog. This involves writing everyday and reading everyday. It sounds easier than it is but 2 weeks in and so far so good..


  2. Pingback: TAKING 15 MINUTES FOR MYSELF | Organising Chaos

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